Thursday, April 2, 2009

BEDA 2: almost lateness

So I just got home from school, I was at a rehearsal for the dance concert that's in JUST A FEW SHORT WEEKS
Actually, just a few hopefully long weeks, because that's when I'm on break =D

So... that's the reason for this being late in the day. It's only 5 here, but it's probably later where most of you are reading this =D (you and your different timezones, causing trouble =/)

And also, I have almost no time to be writing this, because I have to go to dance class for the company I'm in outside of school in 20 minutes.
I'm a busy busy girl =D

I promise I'll read and comment on my new friends' (yay!) posts on the ning after dance tonight

So sorry if this is a kind of crappy and not thought-out post. Not all of my posts will be like this, I swear because I only have ONE MORE DAY till spring break! I'm SO excited for those two weeks off. Like, ridiculously excited. I'll actually have FREE TIME.

I'm using a lot of all-caps. Sorry if it offends your eyes.

Now... on to the meat of the post. (except not really meat, I'm vegetarian)

I'm going to talk about ME. Introduce myself (you know, what I probably should have done yesterday =D)

umm, I'm Camille, I'm 15. I'm a freshman at, get this, an all-girls, catholic, private high school. joy. It's not that bad, I just kind of feel like I'm missing out on the whole "high school experience". You know?
anyways. I like...
I like minty gum. candy canes. sour patch kids. cards games. doodles on jeans. david bowie. harry and the potters. thin mints. mountain dew. green nail polish. beat-up shoes. cheerios. harry potter. and more =]

I definitely would have kept going with that, but I'M SO LATE RIGHT NOW

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