Saturday, June 28, 2008

"In a field outside of town"

Alex says hi!!
[and let's pretend Becca says hi too, except she's still asleep]
wait... I'm not the last one awake! Amazing!

OMG. I just ate a thin mint!! lol George.

I'm tired...
but not really, cause 4:30 is only like an hour/hour and a half away from how late I usually stay up.

We listened to the Hush Sound. And watched the music videos. And talked to Spike Dog on AIM or whatever his name is. You know, that white rapper guy? Yah... you probably don't know who he is, I just know because of one of my dance friends. Actually, Alex and Becca were doing that while I was typing the post last night.

We should go to the movies! Like, while I'm not in Hawaii!

"like vines we intertwined"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yah, when are you here?? Cause George and I want to go see walle not fourth of july weekend but the next one.