Monday, September 22, 2008


The ringing is back.

So... I wrote a lot of ficlets this past week. 10. This used to be pretty normal for me, but not lately. I've really missed it. But for a long time I just couldn't write. I still kind of can't. Well, not like before. The ficlets don't just come out anymore, at least not as often.

My last post. I meant what I said. That took a lot to write. More than it seems like. More than it probably should have. I don't really know what anyone thought... that might actually be a good thing. (Um, no offense, really. I'm sorry.) Well, I know Camille's thoughts on it. Thank you Camille =]

So you know those ficlets I was talking about? I wrote the last 5 in the past two and a half hours. And they aren't really... ficlets. Well they are, technically, but not like normal. And neither is one other one that I wrote this past week. But I wanted to get it out.

Anyways, I just want to say this. Thanks for putting up with me.

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