Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Religion... Whining... Unrealistic Expectations (on my part)

Ok so when school first started, I loved my religion class. I loved it sooooo much. I was so excited for the discussions every day, the collage project we're doing (which is due on Thursday... crap), and EVEN sometimes doing the assigned reading. I participated in the discussions everyday even though it was hard for me... I actually raised my hand.

But now... it's kind of deflated. I'm not really sure why. But now during discussions I just listen with my head down, doodling. (My agenda and binders look cool from it too) But I don't... try extra hard anymore. For a couple of days I tried harder than I usually do in classes. Now I'm turning back into the old me... the one who just does enough to get by.

And I'm not sure why. I try a couple of times to form an opinion and raise my hand... but then I get frustrated. Get frustrated because I can't come up with anything original to say. And so I stop trying so hard. And doodle.

Where did the ethusiasm go? My love of the class? It was like I was proud of having a cupcake and then someone else comes in with a huge layered cake, and it makes my tiny cupcake look like crap.

And I heard some things about the teacher that kind of... made me lose a little respect, I guess. That's a horrible thing to say. He's still awesome, just... I don't know

Maybe I realized he's human. He's not some amazing genius, he's a regular person. His class won't always be amazing and completely out of the ordinary.

And it doesn't have to be. I think I was just looking for something to look forward to at that school.

Maybe tomorrow... maybe tomorrow I'll participate a little bit more. Maybe I'll get back into it.

I just have to get enough sleep tonight...

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