Tuesday, March 31, 2009

BEDA and nings =D

I've decided I'm going to embark on this wonderful journey called BEDA (Blog Every Day April) something that the wonderful author Maureen Johnson made up.

I might run out of ideas, but I usually don't have a problem coming up with things to say (which means that I might go on and on without actually saying something important or making any kind of point. if you've read my blog before you might know this already)

So...read if you like =]

I'm supposed to be at school right now, but I left because I kind of feel like crap. So now I'm sitting at home, sick, and I'm about to go make some toast, maybe some soup, and sit down with a nice book.
Would sound like the perfect way to spend the time if I didn't feel so... bleh.

So anyways
I am going to attempt BEDA.

See you =]

Also, I'm going to be posting on the ning Maureen Johnson has made too
( http://maureenjohnson.ning.com/profile/Camille if you're wondering)
I've been on there for only an hour, and people seem nice =D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maureen Johnson has a ning? cool! I'm going to join you on this endeavor (whoa, i spelled endeavor without spellcheck. haha).

Feel better!