Sunday, April 5, 2009

BEDA 5: Rant

Alright so I have 10 minutes to write this before I have to leave...

Seirously, why do I always wait till the last minute to do this? I've been home all day, not really doing anything important.

Ok. So I'm going to use these 10 minutes to rant. Because I'm just in a ranting mood. If you've read some older posts on my blog on blogspot you might get a little bored with this because it's a little repitious of some things I've said on there. But it's a little different too.

also, I'm warning you, there is some language. I know some people care about that... so I'm giving you fair warning now.

So, if you've read my other posts you'll know that I go to a Catholic school. My parents are Catholic. I go to a Catholic church (because my parents basically make me). I was baptized Catholic as a baby. I have to leave right now to go to a confirmation class at church (parents).

But what if I don't want to be Catholic?
I don't. I don't want to be Catholic.
But you know what? I was never given a choice. No, because I was baptized as a freakin BABY. I mean, that doesn't seem very meaningful to me, baptizing babies. It's not like the babies were making a choice or anything. But, according to the church, and according to my parents, that means I'm fucking Catholic.

And, I don't want to be Catholic. By my standards, I'm not. I'm not Catholic. I never chose to be baptized.

The problem is the rest of the world. I mean, I've told my parents this. Everyone, my whole fucking family, whenever I say I'm not they just look at me and say, "Camille, you are Catholic."

And other people, people who aren't my family, then they ask, "then what are you?" It's a reasonable question I guess. But like... I dont' know. You know what? I don't. I'm not done figuring things out, I'm fucking 15. But the whole time I was at a Christian (not Catholic) school from 4th-8th grade, people have been making me choose. Like I have everything figured out. I've told people many different things. But I don't even know. I change my mind, like every day. I feel like I don't know enough of the possibilities to figure out what I believe. If that makes sense.

But don't call me Agnostic. Please, just don't put a name on me.

I kind of... just want to be my own thing. My own kind of Christian, I think. Like, don't give me a name, don't sort me into a denomination, don't give me rules. I want to find my own God, whoever that is, and believe what I think is right. And I want people to stop forcing me to have my mind figured out now, and stop forcing me to be what they want me to be.

I'm so late to confirmation right now.


Anonymous said...

My Grandpa (Dad's side) and Ame (Mom's side) came to my school for Grandparent's Day and I was telling them about some of these students who get angry when you question the Bible and how they aren't even open to different views. Now, my grandparents aren't that religious. Ame replies by saying, "Everyone needs to believe in something. Whether that be this great, big God, or just this Earth. They have to believe in something. Whatever works for you, should work for all the other people, but it doesn't matter if it does for them. What matters is that by believing in such a thing you are able to live."

My Grandpa said, "I'm more spiritual than religious. I don't go to church every Sunday, because that doesn't work for me. When I had my heart attack, I felt like there was something taking care of me, but it's hard to know what. It's hard to know anything kiddo."

I just wanted to share that with you.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

I'm in the same position. My parents had me baptized, they say they are Catholic and I go to a Catholic school. Thing is, none of us go to church. We're not reaqlly practising Catholics; it's just what we write on forms.
My parents have always been very laid back and understanding about my need to decide things for myself - hell, they have to be!
Here's the solution I've found;

Until you have it all figured out just worship The Universe. You don't have to belive is a creator, in fate, in destiny. You do have to believe in your own good judgement.

God is something different for everyone and that's cool. I also like to think that our "God" changes with us. Afterall, it's all about what we perceive, and that changes!

Just do what feels natural at the time, don't do things that don't make sense to you and be grateful for what you do have!

There might be some great God up there that we don't have the ability to compherend..but maybe we're not meant too! If God was obsessed with us knowing about Him and worshipping Him then he'd probably show up a lot more.

Just my thoughts.

P.S on the subject of me worshipping The Universe have you ever heard of Notes From The Untiverse? Totally amazing! You just give them your name and E-mail and every weekday a short slice of inspiration and fantasticness comes flying your way! They have totally changed my life!

Trust me on this one! ;)