I didn't really feel like writing my blog today, thats why George wrote it for me instead.
Notice how it's not three in the morning!? I'm going to go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight, because I have school tomorrow.
Today started off badly because I was still feeling really guilty because I mercilessly slaughtered a mosquito last night.
But then it got better because I had soggy rice chex!! About that...I kind of like soggy cereal, even though most people think that it is gross.
Anyways- cereal for lunch. pretty cool
Then I went to a dance rehearsal at my school. (I did amazing) My mom went with me too, and for some reason spent more time there than me.
I also sent off my wonderful "Creator" piece (that I wrote for YWS) to my teacher. I'm really nervous about that. I have no idea what other people will think of it. I really hope they like it.
After dance I went to the park with my AWESOME friends, and made a movie/short film/thing. It kind of has a complicated story line, but basically it's about a guy (a pretty cool guy too) who kills himself... by eating tic tacs.
I got to pretend to be dead in it!! I couldn't stop giggling though.
The movie isn't ready to be shown yet, but it will be eventually.
You should watch it when it's done! Look for it at:
Also, watch the videos on tuesday.
Well.... the videos that are supposed to be made on tuesdays.
OH MY GOD!!! new postsecrets today!!
For dinner I got indian food!! I really like indian food. only vegetarian indian food though. cause im a vegetable.
Okay. Tomorrow
I have to go to school tomorrow. I really, really, really don't want to. I guess seeing my friends will be fun, and latin will be good. I really love my latin teacher.
Classes will suck though.
After school I have dance!! I'm such a lava rock. but im not actually going to go, because I have to go to another rehearsal for the dance show at my school. Sooo much dancing.
AND IM SOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR MONACO. (speaking of monaco, don't forget: may 24- monaco grand prix)
nice picture
yes, I didn't feel like writing my blog post today, George decided to for me. and insist that I put the picture in too =/
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