Sunday, July 20, 2008

No one is forcing you to read this. if you think I'm being stupid, just don't read it.

I feel really stupid about posting this, but I'm going to anyway. I'm overreacting, but I told Sachi that this is the place where I could say whatever was on my mind without being interupted. So I'm going to do that. Even though I'm overreacting. I'm not forcing anyone to read it if they don't want.

I am so mad right now. and confused, and sad, and just, really hurt.

God. I can't even... ugh.

If you had done anything else, called me fat, stupid, ugly, slutty, ANYTHING else. Just, not what you did. If people don't trust me, if my friends can't trust me, I have nothing.

Do you really hate me that much? Where the hell did you get that idea anyway?

I'm probably making a big deal about something not that big, but it seems kind of big to me. If I lose my friends, then I will have nothing left. I need them. You have no idea how much I love them, and how much I miss them.

And if they really thought I said something bad about them, I wouldn't blame them for leaving me.

But I didn't. God, I didn't. And I never said anything bad to you either. I don't know who "anonymous" was, but it wasn't me.

And, "she might have said that"

oh my god. That almost killed me.


Anonymous said...

Hey. I dont know all the details about this stuff, but You will always have friends camille. Don't doubt it. Someone will always love you. Don't feels stupid for posting that, its good you have an outlet.
I know this is going to sound weird (and kinda stupid...), but Jesus loves you. Even if your friends did leave you (which they wont because you would still have me), you still have Jesus. He knew what it was like to be abandoned. Stick with him and you will never feel lonely.
Sorry if this didnt help and made you feel worse. I'm giving you an air hug. Dont worry, be Happy!

Anonymous said...

I knew you would never say that, not for one second did I think it was true. Which is probably why I am so sorry that she said it.

I trust you, always will. You're my buddy.

I hope you know that we all love you too. You didn't deserve this.