Sunday, July 6, 2008


I can't think of anything interesting to say. Like, nothing. I'm completely empty. I've gone from, um, being Camille, to being this boring, empty, person. With nothing to say. I have no interesting, I don't know, facts. No useless rambling. No stories. No rants. No thoughts, no life-lessons. No song lyrics for you.

Because nothing is me. Everything I know, I've learned. And now, I don't know, I have nothing to say. Nothing you haven't heard before.

I'm empty. I need to start over. Maybe it'll turn out better than last time.


Anonymous said...

You are not nothing.

George said...

you are a lot.

of what you are a lot of, i have no idea- but i know that its not nothing.

umm...this kinda made no sense. (sorry)