Monday, October 19, 2009

all I know

I'm hurting and I miss you and everything is going so fast and it's scaring me and I don't have time to breath or to think and I think something is wrong with me and I can't get past this and I'm always like this and I don't think I know an inbetween between happy and sad and I'm confused all of the time and my head hurts and my legs hurt and I don't know why I can't just not be like this and I don't know what's wrong and I need things to just stop and I need things to make sense in my head for just once and everything needs to stop spinning and all I know is I MISS YOU like crazy

I miss you


ElshaHawk said...

ah, teenagers. :P
your choice to use stream of consciousness without periods was a good one.
I used my ficly comment voice. You see that? hee hee. I just want to say hi, i found your blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi. I think you should blog, so that at least I have the reassurance that you're not dead. I'm really good at pep talks, I know.

Anonymous said...

How was your Valentine's Day?