Thursday, April 30, 2009

BEDA 21: Epic Spontanious Shakespearian Harry Potter Stories

I haven't done a post in a week. I'm not sure if we classify that as me just missing a LOT of days... or me just giving up.

oh well. either way... it's a FAIL.

But anyways... it's the last day! Last April post! or... last day feeling guilty for not posting! Except I'm not going to feel guilty about that today, since I'm actually posting =D

Today is Thursday, I get out of school early. I'm not sure why. And I don't have school tomorrow, I just have this mother-daughter thing to go to at my school. So that's pretty awesome.

These past two weeks back from break have been crazy. And busy. The dance concert went really well, by the way. Everyone pretty much loved our dance =D. It's really different from the rest of the dances in the concert. I'm not quite sure how that happened. Now my next show is in June, which is with the company and studio I'm with. I'm excited for that =]

On Tuesday, my friends and I had a potluck at lunch. We did it on Tuesday because that's my video day for 7awesomehorcruxes. But... alas... I forgot my camera. fail. But it was really fun. We're going to have one next week I think too. And they toasted to me! It was awesome =D

Yesterday, Wednesday, was pretty awesome too. There was a theater club meeting, where they were having a "talentless show". Only for theater club (theater club is HUGE at my school). Now, I'm not in theater club. The only one in our little group of friends that IS in theater club is my friend Nora. But she wanted to do something, so she got us to do it with her. Well actually she got Cathy to do it with her, and then I decided I wanted to do it with them, and then Cathy and I kind of put two other friends in it too (this was all that yesterday before lunch). Soo at the talentless show, people were doing the kinds of things you would expect, little skits, little one-person act things, little dances, even one person being Fred. She was pretty awesome too.

And then... we go up. It starts off with Cathy and Nora being Romeo and Juliet at the balcony scene, and then they somehow start singing The Circle of Life. Then I come on (I'm Harry Potter) and my friend Amy comes on from the opposite side of the stage (we never decided if she was voldemort or snape) and interrupt them, by me shouting "adavera kadavera!" and Amy falling, dead, to the floor. Then my friend Ali (who is Draco) comes on behind me, and we get into an epic slap fight. This whole time, romeo and juliet are wondering what harry potter characters are doing in their play. Then they decide to break up our slap fight, and amy rises from the dead, and we all do the Macarena. The end.

It was pretty awesome. I just found it really funny that only one of us was actually supposed to be there. The rest of us pretty much crashed =D

Soo... I have to leave in 20 minutes to go to school, and I still have to do my math homework. So, bye everyone. To everyone who ever commented, or even just read, any of my posts... thank you so much. Like, I really mean it. Thanks =]

Goodbye now =]

Thursday, April 23, 2009

BEDA 20: Hey... you

Hellooo everyone. Yeah, I missed three days of blogs. Um... yeah. sorry about that.

This weekend (actually tonight is the first show) is the dance concert at my school. I'm only in one dance, but I've been really busy with it. I'm doing video for the first half of the show since I'm only in the second half too. The rehearsals have been from 5-10 for the past three days, so basically I've been coming home for like an hour then going back to school for rehearsal. Then I haven't been getting home till about 10:30 or 40, and doing homework until I fall asleep basically. Soo yeah. sorry about that.

I guess I could have written the posts during that one hour at home... but honestly... I've been lazy about it. Oh well. I guess I fail =D

So I guess I don't really have that much else to say... and not really any more time to say it anyways... since I have to get ready to leave now... but the first show (of 4 shows) is tonight, and I'm actually getting a little excited.

The dance I'm in is really cool (well I think it is). It's hard to explain, but it has to do with little kind of creepy baby dolls for 5 of us, and long wedding 1800's style wedding dresses for the other 5. It's the "creepy dance" of the show I guess. I'm just worried I'm going to start laughing, because we know the audience is going to at a couple points in the dance. This show is cool because each dance or video (there are some videos being shown that were done by the video production classes) is based off of a piece or pieces of art.

Ok, I'm running late (in case you haven't noticed, I'm one of those people that's late to almost everything) so I gotta go now.

uggh 4 days back at school and I'm already behind on homework =/

Sunday, April 19, 2009

BEDA 19: creating, dancing, movie-making, and indian food

Hi everyone! I'm pretty pretty, goffy, awesome, and fantabulous. (haha pretty pretty)

I didn't really feel like writing my blog today, thats why George wrote it for me instead.

Notice how it's not three in the morning!? I'm going to go to sleep at a reasonable time tonight, because I have school tomorrow.

Today started off badly because I was still feeling really guilty because I mercilessly slaughtered a mosquito last night.

But then it got better because I had soggy rice chex!! About that...I kind of like soggy cereal, even though most people think that it is gross.

Anyways- cereal for lunch. pretty cool

Then I went to a dance rehearsal at my school. (I did amazing) My mom went with me too, and for some reason spent more time there than me.

I also sent off my wonderful "Creator" piece (that I wrote for YWS) to my teacher. I'm really nervous about that. I have no idea what other people will think of it. I really hope they like it.

After dance I went to the park with my AWESOME friends, and made a movie/short film/thing. It kind of has a complicated story line, but basically it's about a guy (a pretty cool guy too) who kills himself... by eating tic tacs.

I got to pretend to be dead in it!! I couldn't stop giggling though.

The movie isn't ready to be shown yet, but it will be eventually.
You should watch it when it's done! Look for it at:

Also, watch the videos on tuesday.
Well.... the videos that are supposed to be made on tuesdays.

OH MY GOD!!! new postsecrets today!!

For dinner I got indian food!! I really like indian food. only vegetarian indian food though. cause im a vegetable.

Okay. Tomorrow

I have to go to school tomorrow. I really, really, really don't want to. I guess seeing my friends will be fun, and latin will be good. I really love my latin teacher.

Classes will suck though.

After school I have dance!! I'm such a lava rock. but im not actually going to go, because I have to go to another rehearsal for the dance show at my school. Sooo much dancing.

AND IM SOOOOOOO EXCITED FOR MONACO. (speaking of monaco, don't forget: may 24- monaco grand prix)

BEDA 18: Busy-ness, Movies, and Barbecues

Hello, whoever you are, reading my blog.

I'm going to tell you about these last two days. Because that's all I seem to do in these BEDA posts these days, tell you about what I've been doing in my life. I've been strangely busy this spring break. I expected to have a lot of free time, hanging out at home, kind of wondering what to do, like what I usually do during breaks. But these past two weeks I really haven't spent that much time not doing anything. I've been on vacation, visiting family, hanging out with friends, just, doing different things. It's a nice breath away from my usual life. Which I'm also busy in, very busy, with homework and such. But I also usually spend an ungodly amount of time on the computer. It's been a nice break from that. I really like it.

Anyways. So. the last two days.

My cousin, my sister, and I decided to walk to the movie theater near old town (did I tell you guys about old town? I don't remember...). Anyways, we walked to the movie theater from my house, it took us like 40 minutes. And we saw 17 Again. It was pretty good, better than I expected actually. Zac Efron did a good job, I think. Also, it had good music =] There was a Santogold song, and a song by The Virgins, both of which I got really excited for when we were watching the movie.

Then after the movie my cousin decided to go back to grandpa's and stay with him for a while before she and her dad go back to their home. And my sister had to leave for dance. I ended up meeting up with my friend Ali from school, she rode her bike over to where I was and we saw Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D. (yeah, I'm seeing all the movies for the kids. oh well =D) And then afterwards we ended up going back to my house, and my cousin, uncle, and grandpa came over, and we barbecued.

It was actually a really fun night, my parents, my sister, my grandpa, my uncle, my cousin, Ali, and I all hanging out and eating Mexican barbecued food. It was awesome =D. Later that night my sister, Ali, and I stayed in my room watching MadTV clips and other random youtube videos until we took her home at like 11:30 at night. That's why I didn't do my post, because when I came back home from taking Ali home I just watched more MadTV clips until I fell asleep.

ok. today. Saturday.
so like usual I had dance from 10:30-5. Then after dance I ended up going to the movies with some other friends from school, and we saw 17 Again. Then got Coldstone ice cream =D

So... I went to the movies 3 times over the past 2 days, but only saw 2 different movies. haha. fun times.

And tomorrow I have pretty interesting plans. A dance rehearsal at school, then making a movie/video with some friends at a park near my house. But you'll hear about that tomorrow =D

Ok, well, it's 1 now and I'm not tired at all. Earlier there was one of those HUGE mosquitoes in my room, and now I'm freaked out that it's still in here, even though I SAW it in the living room. I get really paranoid about bugs. Like once I see one, I feel them crawling all over me, even though there's nothing there. and I SEE them everywhere, when they're really not there. darn creepy bugs. It's going to take me a long time to get to sleep tonight...

anyways, goodbye now! hope everyone has/had a WONDERFUL day! =D

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I fail.

I didn't write a blog post yesterday. I mean, I was going to, but I fell asleep watching old MadTV clips on youtube. I know, pathetic, right?

Ok. So. I fail. fail fail fail.

I'll write a better post after dance tonight.

...I'm so late right now

Friday, April 17, 2009

BEDA 16: Writings, Videos, and Bad Habits

So today it's not 2 in the morning... today it's 3 in the morning. Haha. But oddly, I'm not as tired. Probably because I haven't just been sitting here not really doing anything... but being busy. Well, kind of busy.

Ok. The first half of today was pretty uneventful. I woke up kind of late, it took me like an hour to actually get out of bed. And then I finally wrote this thing that has been kind of hanging over my head since the friday before break. You know that feeling? Where even when you're happy, you can't really ever be in a good mood because you keep being reminded by this THING that you can't get over being... nervous, anxious, or worried about. I don't know. Little things get like that for me.

So anyways. At school I'm in Young Writers' Society, and every year the club puts out this "literary magazine" thing. So I had to submit something since I'm in the club. But like... I really didn't like my submission, so the teacher said I could email her something during break to use instead. Now, those of you who've read past blog entries know, that I haven't really had a ton of free time just sitting in front of the computer. Well, not as much as usual during breaks anyways, for me at least. This was the first day I really had time to do it, so I decided I might as well. But it's been bugging me, I can't really... get it. I just, haven't been able to. For months. Just, ever since the writing website I used to go on shut down (ficlets), I haven't been able to do it. Just... I don't know. I can't explain it. It frustrates me. It frustrates me practically to tears sometimes. I just... the feeling just makes me want to rip my hair out.

Well, I wrote something. I don't know if I like it though. I don't know if I want people to read it.

So then later on in the day my sister and I started filming a video. But then we had to stop because we had to go to dance. So that was... the usual. Hard.

After dance, my cousin (same cousin as earlier this week) came over, and is staying the night again (yay!). She's leaving to go back to her home tomorrow night though =[ The nights she wasn't here she was staying at our grandpa's house.

So anyways, from after dance to about 2:30 or 3 in the morning, we were making and editing the video. It's just a silly thing, but I'm actually kind of proud of it =D (I mean, come on, it took hours to do)
See, I have this bad habit of not admitting I'm proud of things. Like, for fear of other people not liking it or something, or people not taking it seriously, or something like that, I don't know, I kind of just wave it off. Hours of work. Whether it's something I've written, something I've made, something I've done, I'll just call it stupid. Say it's not good. Whatever. Beat the viewers to the punch I guess.
It's a bad, stupid habit. But I don't know, I do it, all the time. I mean, sometimes things really are bad or stupid, and I know it. But then sometimes I really actually like what I did. But, you know, it's easier to handle people's reactions if you act like you don't take it seriously in the first place.

haha, I'm getting off topic.
Video. We were just having fun =]
Here's the address if you want to watch it:
There's no obligation to watch it if you don't want to though. Just, it's there if you happen to want to =]

goodbye! hope everyone has/had a great day! =]

BEDA 15: another one

Soo... it's 2 in the morning again. I really shouldn't let myself not do a blog until this late. This post is going to be just as crappy as yesterday's, because I'm just as tired.

hahaha I read that post again this morning... all of the spelling mistakes and stuff... definitely showed how tired I was =D

So today was really fun. I went to a theme park with my sister and my dad. I LOVE roller coasters, so it was awesome =D big, fast, upside-down ones. The last time I went to this theme park, I hurt my back pretty badly, and i ended up having back problems for a couple months after (which is bad, for a dancer like me). So it was nice going back and still being able to WALK by the end of the night =D

ugghh I'm tired. Every time I yawn my eyes water up A LOT and it's like I'm crying. Tired. going to sleep now. sorry for 2 crappy posts in a row.

(grrrr blogger is unavailable right now. I guess I'll have to put this on my blog on blogspot in the morning =/)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

BEDA 14: crappy post

ah-ha, so I've kind of be freaking out a little bit about what this should be about.

It's 2 in the morning, and I'm so tired, I would like ot be asleep now.

I went to my grampa's today, it was night seeing and talking to the family that was there.

oh geez, I'm really tired.

tomorrow my dad, my sister, and I are going to an amusment park, I'm excited.

ok. sorry this is crappy. I need to sleep now. bye

Monday, April 13, 2009

BEDA 13: And another day goes by...

Today has been an interesting day.

The morning was pretty uneventful, just the three of us (my cousin, my sister, and I) getting ready, hanging out, and watching gilmore girls. Then later on we decided to go walk around Old Town (basically like a town with a bunch of shops and restaurants and stuff). It's funny because my cousin doesn't live around here, she lives like 5 hours away, so she was very surprised by the crosswalks in Old Town. There are these two big intersections where you can cross diagonally too, so they have a point where no cars are going and everyone is crossing in all directions.

After old town, I met up with this guy and took pictures for his album cover. haha, there is a story behind this.

So this guy, he's a freshman at my school's 'brother school' because, you know, I go to an all girls school. He does confirmation with me, that's how I met him. In confirmation, he's in the same group as me when we go into our small little 'discussion groups'. So anyways. We're friends on facebook, and I posted some pictures I had edited and stuff, because I'm in to that. Photography and such. So yeah, he saw the pictures and asked me to help with his album cover for the album he's making. So that's what I did today, I met up with him and took some pictures. His friend was supposed to come who likes photography too, but he couldn't come apparently. So now I need to edit and email them to him.

Then after that I went to dance class. Our next show is in June, and we're doing this one Hades dance. There are demons and fire rocks, and some smaller kids are going to be flames or something like that. And there is going to be scaffolds that we dance and climb on too. It should be a really cool dance when it's done.

And then at night my uncle and grandpa came over and ate dinner with us, and we all visited and talked for like an hour or two. It was nice. My grandpa was telling stories from the war. I learned more about some of my cousins and one of my aunts. I'm always learning more about my family's history and lives and things, because I'm one of the youngest on both sides (since both my parents were the youngest siblings). I love my family.

And that was my day =D
Sorry this was just another update blog. Well actually I'm not really sorry, just, I don't know.

haha, anyways.

I'm going to go back and watch tv with my sister, mom, and cousin now probably. Oh yeah, my cousin is sleeping over again. It'll be fun =]

goodbye! =]

Sunday, April 12, 2009

BEDA 12: My Lovely Day

So today was Easter! And for me that means seeing family. Because I have a huge family.

So... this blog post is just going to consist of me talking about my day. To let you know in advance.

This morning I woke up at like 7 to do video at mass at church in the morning. I love doing video, because then I can be at church and not pay attention at all, but concentrate on something I have fun doing. (that's kind of horrible... the liking-not-paying-attention part... but oh well) And the thing is, I LIKE things like that. I mean, not only to I love video, but I just like... work. Like, being part of something like that, being on a crew, using a skill and getting better at it through routine. I don't really know how to explain it, so I just call it 'work'.


After mass my cousin in law came over early to cook prime rib, because apparently it takes like 4 hours. Which it did. It took 4 hours. I don't know anything about prime rib... it's not like I would really... being vegetarian and all. There were a bunch of people over at my house today, and they didn't all know each other. A lot of my mom's side of the family, a lot of my dad's side of the family, some family friends of ours, and even our neighbors from across the street. It was really fun.

There were 4 little kids here today too: 2 of my second cousins, my cousin's husband's second cousin (or something like that...), and our neighbor. So we had an easter egg hunt for them. Kelly and I had the pleasure of hiding that eggs =D.

And... my aunt dressed up as a Peep. I'm betting you guys probably know what peeps are... you know... the marshmallow easter candy things. She dressed up as one. It was so funny. Nerdfighter status right there.

Soo there are 12 minutes left of today, I'm going to wrap this up since my sister and my cousin are probably wondering where I am and why I'm being "anti-social" again, even though it's almost midnight and everyone has gone home except for my cousin. Because she's sleeping over. We actually just finished watching Slumdog Millionaire (yeah, I know, I FINALLY saw it). And it was really really good. But I'm betting that either you've seen it so you know that, or someone has told you how good it is already.

Anyways. Goodbye. Hope you had an awesome day, and an awesome easter for those of you who, you know, celebrate it and all.

I got chocolate too! It was awesome =D

BEDA 11: A Quiz Because I'm Tired

There are 10 more minutes left of today and I don't really have the energy to come up with a topic and I know I say that a lot and I'm sorry about that but it's true right now and now this run-on is becoming a little bit ridiculous.

So... today I'm just going to do one of those slightly-annoying facebook survey things. Hey, you can read and get to know me a little bit more, or you can skip it and not miss anything =]. Well actually you can always skip these and not miss anything, but whatever.

Here goes nothing...

Spell your name with songs.

Crawling Towards the Sun- The Hush Sound
After the Gold Rush- Neil Young
Marching Bands of Manhattan- Death Cab for Cutie
I Can't Explain- The Who
Lady Stardust- David Bowie
L.E.S. Artistes- Santogold
Even If It Kills Me- Motion City Sountrack

– Name: Camille
– Birth date: 8/26/93
– Nickname: camillo, camillie, millie, camillio
– Eye Color: brown
– Hair Color: brown (and pinkish...)
– Zodiac Sign: virgo?

– The shoes you wore today: yellow converse (the rubber part was partly black and partly white
– Your weaknesses: a lot...
– Your fear(s): suffocation
– Goal you’d like to achieve: to be happy

– Your best physical feature: eyes
– Your bedtime: HA right
– Most missed memory: late night ficlet-writing

This Or That…
– Pepsi or Coke?: ew.. (HA sorry george)
– McDonald’s or Burger King: bleh, it all has meat
– Adidas or Nike: neither...
– Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: again, neither
- Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate all the way
– Cappuccino or coffee: ...neither...

Do You…
– Sing: not around people other than kelly belly
– Dance: haha... yeah... =D
– Take a shower: um, yes, I do take showers.
– Have a crush: =]
– Do you think you’ve been in love?: I don't think so
– Want to go to college: mhm
– Like high school: sometimes
--Want to get married: maybe
– Get motion sickness: sometimes
– Think you’re attractive: not really
– Think you’re a health freak: about SOME things
– Get along with your parents: ...sometimes

In the past month…
– Gone to the mall: nope, I don't think so
– Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
– Eaten Sushi: haha, nope. bleh.
– Been on stage: yep =D
– Gone skating: no...
– Made homemade cookies: haha yeah =D

Do you like candy necklaces?: mhm =]
When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?: a couple hours ago =D while hugging kelly belly (my sister)
Do you listen to music every day?: um, of course
Do you still go trick or treating? : well I did last year =D
What was the last thing you ate?: dibs and pocky with kelly. HA. it was funny.
Do you type fast?: yep
What is your favorite type of soda?: HANSENS. all the way.
Have you ever moved?: yep
Have you ever won an award?: mhm
Are you listening to music right now?: of course
How long ’till your birthday?: 4 months
When were you the saddest in your whole life?: I don't know...
Do you use Ebay to buy or sell?: no..
Who makes you mad?: people who try to act like they know what they're talking about.
Have you ever heard a song written about you?: no...
Something you want to happen in 2010?: be... better. at a lot of things.
Summer 2009: figure stuff out
Honestly, do you miss 2008?: kind of

1. Honestly, what color is your underwear? : what a stupid question
2. Honestly, whats on your mind?: god, so much
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now? : ...this quiz... and pretending to clean my room
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today?: probably
8. Honestly, who is the last person you talked to on the phone?: haha, dad
9. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?: mhm
10. Honestly, what makes you mad most of the time?: when you don't LISTEN
11. Honestly, do you bite your nails?: nope
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very moment?: mhm
14. Honestly, are you keeping a big secret?: ...maybe... =D
15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don’t actually like?: um...
17. Honestly, are you in denial?: about...?
18. Honestly, do you get up in the middle of the night and eat?: haha, sometimes
19. Honestly, do you like anyone?: wasn't this already asked?
20. Honestly, does anyone like you?: no

1. What do you do when you’re mad?: pace
2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done when you were mad?: said things I didn't mean
3. Ever made anyone cry when you were mad?: mhm

1. When was the last time you actually cried?: um
2. Ever cried yourself to sleep?: mhm
3. Do certain songs make you cry?: definitely
4. What usually makes you cry?: a lot

1. Are you usually a happy person?: depends on who I'm with
2. What makes you the happiest?: certain people
3. Do you believe in yourself?: not really
5. When people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy?: well, kind of yeah =D for a little while

alright... goodbye now =D

Friday, April 10, 2009

BEDA 10: Reconnecting

So tonight I'm going to the movies with a couple of old friends on mine. Well actually, one of them I'm still really good friends with. The other one, I haven't talked to in a long time, except for the past few days.

See, a couple years ago I had a group of friends that have all kind of spread apart now. I'm still really good friends with 2 of them, the rest I don't really talk to anymore. A week ago I kind of started talking to one of those people again, and we decided it would be cool to all go to the movies sometime, and hang out with that old group of people.

So, that's what we're doing tonight. Except it kind of failed, because the only people that could go or that answered their phone were the one who I started talking to again, my friend who I'm still close to, and me. There was one other person we thought maybe would go, but he still hasn't answered us. We don't think he'll be going, since it's in an hour.

So our plan kind of failed, but it will still be a fun night. It's really cool, getting back in touch with people you never really thought you'd talk to again. There are a lot of old friends I remember that I wish I could see again. It's nice that we're doing this, or that we tried to do this. I don't know, it's just cool.

So that's what I'm doing tonight. Should be fun =]

BEDA 9: Regret

I'm late. It's 1 AM, and I haven't written a blog post for today (technically yesterday) yet.

Today I got back home from the trip with my mom about 8:30, it was an awesome trip, I had a lot of fun.

Ok, I kind of bad about these posts. They're getting worse and worse. I just feel like I have nothing to say at all, which is weird for me, because it's kind of a first.

But I feel bad because these posts are kind of pointless. Ok. You know what? They're not going to be pointless anymore. Starting tonight. I was going to start tomorrow, but I have something I want to talk about today. It's pretty short, but it's exactly what I want to say.

It's about... regretting. For a couple of years, I've been kind of regretting this whole big thing that happened with someone. I'm usually pretty good about letting things go. I mean, for a while I wasn't, I held onto everything. But after a while, I decided to let things go, and things were a lot better after that. But I always kind of held onto this. I always regretted everything about it, I couldn't even stand to think about it without hating how stupid I was all over again. For a while I would get a little sick at the thought of it.

And you know, it's weird. It's really strange, what life does to you. I honestly thought I would go through the rest of my life hating this person and regretting everything. But you know... all it takes is one conversation, one honest conversation, to change things. See, I'm a lot more honest and open than I used to be, so when I started talking to this person a little again, that's how I was.

It wasn't like a big deal. I just... said sorry. Admitted how pathetic I acted, and we kind of figured out stuff that went wrong. It wasn't really a big deal, but just because of that, I can move on. I can, not regret it anymore, I can actually let it go. And I don't hate this person. Not at all. I don't have any hate or dislike for this person, and no more huge regret, at least about this. Something that had been kind of eating me up, is gone now.

It's a great feeling =]

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

BEDA 8: Great Day

Today has been a really fun day. It might not still be April 8th where you are, but it still is here, and will be for aomost 2 hours.

Today I woke up at like 8 and went with my mom out to the ocean and took like 150 pictures (then deleted like 30). Then we drove about an hour to where my some of our family live and hung out with them the rest of the day. It was a really great day =]

And I got new shoes! They excite me =D

I really don't have anything to say, and not enough energy, or will, to come up with anything interesting or blog-worthy. Not that what I usually say is.

So goodbye, hope you had a great day too!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

BEDA 7: Produce and youtube

It's almost 8 AM right now, usually there is no way I would be up right now during break. But today I've been up since 5, getting ready to leave to go on vacation with my mom.

My mom works in the produce business, so basically buying fruit and vegetables from growers and selling it to like markets and stuff. So right now I'm at my mom's office, because we had to stop at her work before leaving. I'm not sure how long we're going to be here, probably like an hour. But before we came here we went to the grower's market, where they have all of the produce. So that was cool. I kinda felt like people were looking at us like "who is this lady with this teenage girl with a camera, and what are they doing here?" But it was cool.

Last night was really fun. As you (might) know, I went over my friend Nora's house. We swam in her pool, ate Chinese food, and played rock band. We played rock band for soo long. I suck so much at rock band. Like, it's not even funny. So basically I sang the whole time. It was so fun. I was rapping to Beastie Boys =D I brought my camera and we video-taped, because I had to make a Tuesday video.

See, I'm part of one of those many rip-off 5awesome/7awesome channels. We didn't meet online, however, we met in real life. The reason we made the channel was to help us stay in touch, when we all stopped going to the same school.

So yeah, when I got home last night I edited that video, and I guess you can watch it if you really want to. (it has really bad lighting though, which made the quality horrible)
I can't post a link though, because youtube is blocked at my mom's office. Our channel is called 7awesomehorcruxes though. I don't expect you to start watching our channel or anything, I'm just saying, if you're interested =D

Soo I don't really have anything to say. Haha, I've been saying that every day haven't I? Oh well. Blogging every day is odd, because usually I only blog when I have something to say, here it's the opposite. I know I need to blog, so I kind of create something to say. All you other BEDAers probably already know all of this though, since you're doing the same thing =D

Alright, so that's it from me today.
Have a great day!

Monday, April 6, 2009

BEDA 6: Favorites

So today I've just been wondering around the house, watching gilmore girls, spending too much time online, not doing anything productive. I'm going over to my friend nora's house tonight, which should be exciting =D

Anyways, today I'm going to list favorite things. Because... I don't know. I don't really have anything interesting to say.
These are in no particular order

8 authors
-John Green
-J.K. Rowling
-Scott Westerfeld
-Roald Dahl
-Maureen Johnson
-Sarah Dessen
-Lemony Snicket
-Joan Bauer

8 books NOT by the authors mentioned above
-Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
-Flipped by Wendelin Van Draanen
-Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
-A Mango Shaped Space by Wendy Mass
-The Nature of Jade by Deb Caletti
-Bar Code Tattoo by Suzanne Weyn
-Loser by Jerry Spinelli
-Pay the Piper by Jane Yojen and Adam Stemple

8 bands/musicians
-The Who
-David Bowie
-The Beatles
-The Hush Sound
-Lauren Fairweather
-Harry and the Potters
-Death Cab for Cutie

4 tv shows
-Gilmore Girls
-Doctor Who
-Freaks and Geeks

4 movies
-School of Rock
-Across the Universe
-My Cousin Vinny
-Rain Man

Sunday, April 5, 2009

BEDA 5: Rant

Alright so I have 10 minutes to write this before I have to leave...

Seirously, why do I always wait till the last minute to do this? I've been home all day, not really doing anything important.

Ok. So I'm going to use these 10 minutes to rant. Because I'm just in a ranting mood. If you've read some older posts on my blog on blogspot you might get a little bored with this because it's a little repitious of some things I've said on there. But it's a little different too.

also, I'm warning you, there is some language. I know some people care about that... so I'm giving you fair warning now.

So, if you've read my other posts you'll know that I go to a Catholic school. My parents are Catholic. I go to a Catholic church (because my parents basically make me). I was baptized Catholic as a baby. I have to leave right now to go to a confirmation class at church (parents).

But what if I don't want to be Catholic?
I don't. I don't want to be Catholic.
But you know what? I was never given a choice. No, because I was baptized as a freakin BABY. I mean, that doesn't seem very meaningful to me, baptizing babies. It's not like the babies were making a choice or anything. But, according to the church, and according to my parents, that means I'm fucking Catholic.

And, I don't want to be Catholic. By my standards, I'm not. I'm not Catholic. I never chose to be baptized.

The problem is the rest of the world. I mean, I've told my parents this. Everyone, my whole fucking family, whenever I say I'm not they just look at me and say, "Camille, you are Catholic."

And other people, people who aren't my family, then they ask, "then what are you?" It's a reasonable question I guess. But like... I dont' know. You know what? I don't. I'm not done figuring things out, I'm fucking 15. But the whole time I was at a Christian (not Catholic) school from 4th-8th grade, people have been making me choose. Like I have everything figured out. I've told people many different things. But I don't even know. I change my mind, like every day. I feel like I don't know enough of the possibilities to figure out what I believe. If that makes sense.

But don't call me Agnostic. Please, just don't put a name on me.

I kind of... just want to be my own thing. My own kind of Christian, I think. Like, don't give me a name, don't sort me into a denomination, don't give me rules. I want to find my own God, whoever that is, and believe what I think is right. And I want people to stop forcing me to have my mind figured out now, and stop forcing me to be what they want me to be.

I'm so late to confirmation right now.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

BEDA 4: It's been a long day...

It's Saturday. To a lot of people (at least a lot of people I know) Saturday means a day off, sleeping in, seeing friends, do no-productive things all day. Not to me. To me, Saturday means dance, from 10:30 to 5. joy.

Yeah, so on Saturdays there is a ballet class in the morning, 10:30-12:15. Then there is a one hour lunch break, where my friends and I usually walk two blocks to mcdonalds or to the mexican place across the street. Usually we go to mcdonalds, because we don't have enough money for the mexican place. (it is a REALLY good mexican resaurant though. really really good.) And then after lunch we go back to the studio and either have a jazz/modern or hiphop class. After that, is rehearsal until 5.

Tiring. I get a headache almost every Saturday from it. Afterwards though I have the rest of the night free, which is nice =]

So, last night was ok. The play (well, musical) that my friend was in was really good. It brought back memories from when I did that musical...
After the musical, we walked to a sushi place. I only ate rice, and the waiter was a little annoyed. But whatever. He got his tip. He was a funny waiter. My friend was like, "so what's the difference between a california roll and a california handroll?" and he when he was explaining it, when he got to the part about the handroll, he was like "you hold it, like the statue of liberty!" And he gestured like the statue of liberty holding the torch up in her hand. It was funny. (this is probably one of those "you had to be there" moments, but I don't know because I can't see your face as your reading this, whoever you are. so. if that was a completely boring and pointless story, sorry =D)

BLEH I wish I had something interesting to say.
I'm really just... not in the mood to be doing this right now. I started off ok... just... I don't know. Things.

I really want to just get out of this house and find somewhere quiet and just sit and listen to music or read a book and be away from everything. I really just want to go away

Friday, April 3, 2009

BEDA 3: Mites, David Bowie, and Break

Alas, I've been sitting here trying to come up with something to say for too long. It's only the third day, and I'm already failing.

Guess what I learned today?
We can get MITES on our EYELASHES. That creeps me out a little. I think about them whenever I rub my eyes now, which I have been for the past 5 minutes, coincidentally enough.
I mean, I don't know if this is common knowledge or not... but I just heard about it today.

Speaking of random facts... did you know that David Bowie's left eye is permanently dilated? When he was 15 his friend punched him in the face. The guy had a ring on his finger, which (I guess) hit is eye. It took like 8 months for the doctors to repair his eye, which they couldn't fully do, which left his eye permanently dilated.

I just thought that was interesting. During earth hour, my dad and I were talking and that somehow came up in conversation. We decided to look it up. So there we were on my dad's computer, in the dark, looking up David Bowie on wikipedia and google images.

In other news...
Spring break!!! I am SO happy. Just, really really happy. I'm excited for these two weeks off =]

Tonight I'm excited because I'm going to a play that a friend on mine is in, and then (maybe) going to dinner or something afterwards (like a group of us).
And then on monday I'm (probably) going to my friend from school's house with a bunch of people (different group of people than friday) and going swimming (if weather permits) or something.
Then monday night or tuesday morning my mom and I are going to drive up to a bunch of places a couple hours away from where I live and just hang out there for a couple of days. My sister will still be in school and my dad has to work, so it will just be the two of us. It will be fun =]
I don't have any other plans for spring break (yet). I plan (or hope) to be spending a lot of time just at home reading, making videos, writing BEDA blogs, spending time outside. Basically spending time not being busy. The teachers at my school weren't allowed to give any homework to us unless it's an AP class. At all. So that means no work for me =]

Alright, that's it from me today. I'm going to go watch Freaks and Geeks until my friend comes over in two hours to go to the play.

Hope everyone has an awesome rest of the day!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

BEDA 2: almost lateness

So I just got home from school, I was at a rehearsal for the dance concert that's in JUST A FEW SHORT WEEKS
Actually, just a few hopefully long weeks, because that's when I'm on break =D

So... that's the reason for this being late in the day. It's only 5 here, but it's probably later where most of you are reading this =D (you and your different timezones, causing trouble =/)

And also, I have almost no time to be writing this, because I have to go to dance class for the company I'm in outside of school in 20 minutes.
I'm a busy busy girl =D

I promise I'll read and comment on my new friends' (yay!) posts on the ning after dance tonight

So sorry if this is a kind of crappy and not thought-out post. Not all of my posts will be like this, I swear because I only have ONE MORE DAY till spring break! I'm SO excited for those two weeks off. Like, ridiculously excited. I'll actually have FREE TIME.

I'm using a lot of all-caps. Sorry if it offends your eyes.

Now... on to the meat of the post. (except not really meat, I'm vegetarian)

I'm going to talk about ME. Introduce myself (you know, what I probably should have done yesterday =D)

umm, I'm Camille, I'm 15. I'm a freshman at, get this, an all-girls, catholic, private high school. joy. It's not that bad, I just kind of feel like I'm missing out on the whole "high school experience". You know?
anyways. I like...
I like minty gum. candy canes. sour patch kids. cards games. doodles on jeans. david bowie. harry and the potters. thin mints. mountain dew. green nail polish. beat-up shoes. cheerios. harry potter. and more =]

I definitely would have kept going with that, but I'M SO LATE RIGHT NOW

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

BEDA 1: Here We Go...

hi =]

So this is it... the first day of BEDA.
I'm a little nervous, to be honest. all these people... who might read this...

how about some LISTS to break the ice =D

Things that are TODAY
-april fools day (bleh...)
-FRED AND GEORGE'S BIRTHDAY! happy birthday weasley twins =D
-wednesday =/... middle of the week
-the day that marks 3 more days till spring break!!!!!!! (even though I'm not at school again today)

Things I'm going to do today
-stupid reading logs for english
-make top ramen
-make TOAST
-play piano
-eat too much dry cereal
-read outside again
-call kelly
-go to ballet (maybe)
-wish I wasn't at ballet (if previous one occurs)
-make sure I have no more goddamn homework I haven't done yet =/
-do the homework I inadvertently forgot I had =/ (or don't know I have yet)
-watch Freaks and Geeks
-watch Gilmore Girls
-(probably) watch House
-watch Doctor Who (I WISH)
(haha, when you're sick you do a lot of tv-watching)
-edit pictures
-wish I had the rest of my pictures
-take more pictures!

Things I am particularly in favor of today
-my bed
-the piano
-the couch
-my computer
-the interwebz
-Lauren Fairweather's music
-Jane Eyre (and finally being caught up)
-my dog =D
-my calculator (and the fact that I did the math right =] thanks to george obviously, thank you george!! again)
-windows live photo gallery
-my backyard
-mini bagels
-headphones (and my ipod)

Things I am particularly NOT in favor of today
-indecisive weather (just make up your mind already!)
-my messy room =/
-responsibility =/ (god, I'm so lazy)
-runny noses
-the heavy feeling your head gets after SNEEZING so much
-wasps and the wasps NESTS in my BACKYARD
-april fools day pranks =/
-my own procrastination =D
-things that STILL aren't working for me: windows movie maker and youtube uploaders

So... that's basically it for today =] it's 11 and gilmore girls is starting =D
happy first day of BEDA!