Sunday, January 4, 2009

Don't Wait

You know? I don't believe I'll ever be fully ok. Like, how some people believe... once I'm done with this... once I'm done with that... then I'll be fineItalic.

I don't believe that.
At least, I don't believe that for me.

And I'm kind of starting to be ok with that.

I think... I don't know.
The thought is like... just out of grasp.
Maybe... if everything is real quiet... just give me a second... ok.


Here is the thing.
I'll never be done.

You know, the day you've been hoping for... where you'll be completely fine, you'll know exactly who you are, you'll be self-actualized?
That's never going to happen to me. Don't tell me it is. If I know one thing about myself- it's that.
Because I'd never be satisfied. Of course.

I'll never be done.
Because if I was... I'd be done doing something we all know no one is ever done with... and that's changing.

Of course.

So- I just have one more thing to say.
Please, please, don't wait around for that moment. Even if you're not like me- even if someday you think you will be perfectly fine- don't wait for that. Don't wait.

I'm probably not in any position to be giving advice, but that's never stopped me before.
Actually, it has.
But it's not now.

Sooo yeah-
I'm not waiting.
And even if you're not like me,
I don't think you should wait either.

Come on, let's be non-waiters together.
Let's go on adventures, let's take risks, let's be imperfect together.
Let's love it.
Let's actually have fun not waiting.
Let's live.

You wanna come?

1 comment:

Camille said...

ok so I cheated- I put this on ficlets too. oh well =]