Thursday, November 27, 2008

I'm copying everyone else because I'm lame and don't want to clean my room or do any of the other things my mom told me to do

I'm copying Camille and Keegan, but mostly Keegan because Camille copied her in the first place.
mwhahahahahhahah. a.
I'm thankful for...

my sister

my mom

the one and only: dad-i-o-da

my baby

the cool people

one of our main ways of communicating:

books, and the people who write them =]



harry potter. I'm serious.

Nerdfighters. And nerds in general. They make the world suck less.



ficlets and writing


"up north" and Morro Bay
the Otter Rock Cafe
and all of the memories

happy thanksgiving


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's really cute! I agree with a lot of things you're thankful for. Hoped you had a fun Thanksgiving. :)