Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Pleasing People
I tiptoe a lot. See, all my life, I've wanted to please people. I've tried to please people. I've kept a lot to myself, theres been a lot I've wanted to say, but I haven't. Because, man this is hard to explain. I think you're getting the wrong picture. The picture of someone who wants to please other people by being like them, doing what they say, keeping things to themselves so as not to upset other people. That picture is not me.
That picture is too simple, too cliche. Though I am cliche, in a way. Hm. maybe only I see that. I see a lot. A lot more than I let on. I keep it to myself. I'm not sure why.
Anyway, I try to please people. I become what they want me to be, in a way. I don't mean like peer pressure or whatever. I just mean, I'll become a listener if they want me to. I'll become that quiet girl, or the silly one laughing at everything, or the fall-back friend. More like I become what people have expected me to be, what I have become in their mind. It's simpler that way. I just, I want them to be happy, I want them to know I want them to be happy, but I don't want them to know how much I tried to make them happy.
In a way I'm a manipulator.
Add that to the list of bad things I am.
I think that's what I meant when I said I think a lot. You know? When I said that in the hotel room on the east coast trip, and then I think I said it on my blog a while ago.
Everything I'm saying right here, about pleasing people, and being what they want me to be, this all comes second-nature. It's subconscious. I'm just now beginning to realize it myself. That's why it's jumbled, and my thoughts aren't in the right order. It's exactly how it came out of my mind. [minus a few points I decided to take out. for my own reasons]
I'm going to ask a selfish favor. Just, if you have any thoughts, please say them. Not only on this post. On my blog in general. If you're reading my blog and you think you have something to add, please do. It doesn't have to make sense, it doesn't have to be related to the current topic at all, just anything you really thought. I just, I kind of want to know that I'm not completely crazy, and you haven't given up on my just yet.
Told you what I was gonna ask was selfish.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
No one is forcing you to read this. if you think I'm being stupid, just don't read it.
I am so mad right now. and confused, and sad, and just, really hurt.
God. I can't even... ugh.
If you had done anything else, called me fat, stupid, ugly, slutty, ANYTHING else. Just, not what you did. If people don't trust me, if my friends can't trust me, I have nothing.
Do you really hate me that much? Where the hell did you get that idea anyway?
I'm probably making a big deal about something not that big, but it seems kind of big to me. If I lose my friends, then I will have nothing left. I need them. You have no idea how much I love them, and how much I miss them.
And if they really thought I said something bad about them, I wouldn't blame them for leaving me.
But I didn't. God, I didn't. And I never said anything bad to you either. I don't know who "anonymous" was, but it wasn't me.
And, "she might have said that"
oh my god. That almost killed me.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Camp, Haters, Classes, and Baby Steps
So, Becca is in my group, so that's cool. But Alex isn't going this session =[=[. So this other girl started hanging out with me and Becca. (grammar's wrong. oops. oh well.) She's pretty cool. But, I don't know. They keep singing. The same songs. Over and over. It's kind of annoying. And then I kind of overheard them talking about how they hate cheerleaders and ballerinas. (I don't think they knew I was listening.) It was kind of... upsetting. I mean, god, there is so much more to ballet then the general public knows, you know? And same with cheer, I'm sure. It just bugs me that they automatically hate them, this stereotype of girls twirling in tutus. Ballet is so hard. I mean, you guys who know me, you've heard me complaining over and over? Right?
I really don't like haters.
I got my classes for Sacred Heart! ok:
Theatre 1,
Honors Geometry,
Catholic Christianity (first semester),
Ethnics/Morality (second semester),
Advanced English 1,
Latin 1
No dance =[ I think they ran out of space or it didn't work with my classes or something. Oh well, I'm excited for theatre!! I was kind of hoping I would get theatre actually... shhh don't tell
umm what else. I've been going to bed too late I think. I mean, it was ok when I didn't have to get up early and do a lot of activity the next day. But now I have camp all day and then dance at night. So I should probably go to bed earlier than 2. *gasp*
Maybe I'll go to bed at sometime before 1 tonight. baby steps, baby steps...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
selfish selfish selfish
Sometimes I cry too hard. Sometimes it hurts so bad, but I don't know what, or why. I feel like it's right there in front of me, but I can't reach. And I'll always be in that state; always reaching, never actually knowing.
I have so much. And I still cry. And I hate myself for it. I'm so selfish, always wanting something. God, just read it. "I want, I want, I want." never satified. When you get to know me, you really have no idea what you're getting into. Selfish and moody. It's not really worth it.
"Graceless in the state of grace"
"I'd like to know, do you think of me? Because I think of you, in everything I do"
"My favorite thing, about my voice, is that I can turn it off, cause I have that choice."
"The greatest thing, about the Hollywood sky, is it's the brightest stars, you can see at night. Reflected back, and rearranged, from then till now, they are unchanged."
how cool do I feel that my cousin was in a band that wrote lyrics like this?
oh so cool.
So yes, we saw Hancock Friday night. It was fun. And then today I had nothing to do, so I asked people on plurk if they wanted to see a movie. So we saw WallE. And then my sister wanted to see Hancock, so later I saw that with her. lol the waitress recongized us a Islands.
"The girl's a crossing guard, the boy's a motorway"
Kelly and I were making cookies, but then we decided to make it into one big cookie-cake thing. And it's awesome.
"Never think that thinking's, the trick to being complete. Never hug yourself, and never admit defeat. never stay neglected, and never say never."
So apparently the next movie marathon is going to be at my house at night. On the big screne and projector outside.
"being me is pretty sad, I'm dead weight. but if you would only smile, I'd wake up. And if you wanna stay a while, we'll break up"
By the way these lyrics, -------> "Through everything, that I've been taught, I've never had, an original thought." Story of my life.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Shuffle Survey
- Put it on shuffle
- Press play
- For every question, type the song that's playing
- When you go to a new question, press the next button.
- Don't lie =]
(this reminds me of one of the first challenges I ever sequeled on ficlets)
1) Opening Credits:
"Stained Glass Masquerade" by Casting Crowns
2) Waking Up:
"My Apologies" by The Hush Sound
3) First Day At School:
"Who Am I" by Casting Crowns
4) Falling In Love:
"Yellow Submarine" by The Beatles
5) Fight Song:
"If I Fell" by The Beatles (Across the Universe version)
6) Breaking Up:
"Sweet Child O' Mine" by Guns N' Roses
7) Prom:
"Fox on the Run" by Sweet
8) Life's Ok:
"Randy House Git" by The Monkees
9) Mental Breakdown:
"Never Again" by Kelly Clarkson
10) Driving:
"Even If It Kills Me" by Motion City Soundtrack
11) Flashback:
"1985" by Bowling for Soup
12) Getting Back Together:
"You Don't Know What Love Is (You Just Do As You're Told)" by The White Stripes
13) Birth of Child:
"When I Come Around" by Green Day
14) Final Battle:
"What Is This Feeling?" from Wicked
15) Death Scene:
"With A Little Help from My Friends" by The Beatles (Across the Universe version)
16) Funeral Song:
"John, I'm Only Dancing" by David Bowie
17) End Credits: "Blue Moon" by The Alley Cats
Wow... some really odd songs came up.
Try this if you want =]
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
dun dun dun
Wow. I really do make bad decisions.
I drank hansens, that didn't help. I can't believe hansens failed me. Actually I started feeling sick after the hansens.
I keep a lot to myself. eh. this is going to be hard to explain. I'm trying to decide whether I should attempt to or not. I already know it will be a failure, but I'm trying to decide if I should post that failure.
Oh well. Here goes.
I really do keep a lot to myself. Getting to know people, and opening up to new people, is hard for me. I like to keep to myself. Most of my thoughts never leave my head. A lot of my thoughts, I want to tell people, but, it wouldn't really work. Because they are only thoughts, not complete ideas. Just, half-ideas. And if I (and I don't have very good communication skills) try to explain them out loud with words, I won't do them justice. It won't make sense. And people will think I'm weird.
I mean, not you guys. You guys know me more, you're used to me saying things that don't really make sense (um, if that makes sense. no pun intended.) But other people, they'll look at me like I'm crazy. And I don't really blame them. I mean, I have these thoughts that are trying to come out as ideas, but I'm the only one who can communicate them, and I can't do it.
This happens so much, especially on this blog. I try to say something (or type something), but I can't make it make sense. It makes sense in my head, but then I say it (or most of the time type it) and it makes no sense at all. It's just rambling. I mean, I guess it kind of makes sense, but it's not what I wanted to say.
Oh well, I'm just going to post this because I have to be up in 5 hours and I feel sick.
ugh. why do I let myself stay up until 2 when I have to get up at 7? Why self, why??
I feel like golum/smeegle (sorry I can't spell). Fighting with myself. It happens a lot. I actually wrote a ficlet about that.
OMG. quote. "I feel something, a slight tingle in my fingers. I think it's affecting me." -Legolas, The Return of the King (only in the movie, according to my dad) (my dad also said that it took him around 3 times watching the movie to accept that party scene. in the movie.)
ummm. bye.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Because nothing is me. Everything I know, I've learned. And now, I don't know, I have nothing to say. Nothing you haven't heard before.
I'm empty. I need to start over. Maybe it'll turn out better than last time.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Short and Sweet. actually no, not very Sweet. So just Short then.
And surprisingly, I'm ok with that.