Hi. Hello blog, how are you. Long time no see. I'm a little rusty.
I'm blogging again because Aren, my awesome blogger friend, said I should, and because I'm probably going to be staying home all day and since I've started posting on other websites I've been neglecting too (flickr, ficly) I thought maybe I should here too.
It's 13 hours and 46 minutes into 2010, and basically all I've done is sit in front of the computer, eat, text, and sleep. Great way to bring in the new year.
ok I'm really really rusty with this whole blogging thing... I'm not sure I even remember how to.
What do I want in 2010?
Truthfully, I'm scared to make my expectations too high. I think I just want to let happen what ever happens. I don't know. Maybe... do instead of think about doing. Does that make sense?
These past couple months have been stressful and crazy with a bunch of different things going on... but also pretty amazing. Some pretty awesome things have happened that I've been waiting for forever basically. And that's all I have to say about that =]
This winter break has been such a relief. Like, everything making my life stressful and crazy and busy all the time stopped for these two weeks, and it was like I could finally breath, you know? So basically this break I've been doing almost nothing productive, watching a ton of doctor who and random movies on the internet, spending too much time on the computer, staying up late and sleeping in, and spending time with the people I want to spend time with.
Oh! Also for christmas I got a new camera that's really super awesome so I've been taking a ton of pictures.
Also I got my hair dyed a while ago, like this really dark redish almost purpley color. It didn't turn out really how I wanted it to, but I liked it nonetheless. Since then it's faded into the color that I originally wanted it to be though... (like closer to brownish red instead of blackish red) so maybe the guy that did it knew that would happen. Or maybe I'm just lucky =D
You know what I love? Udon. Like I just can't get enough udon. Probably my all time favorite food ever. Closely followed by indian food and chow mein (but not together of course) and then spagetti. I'm going to stop talking about food now. It's kind of making me hungry.
I've started driving. I'm a little late, I've been 16 since August, but better late than never I guess. I got my permit near the end of October, and since then I've driven with my dad in the Rose Bowl parking lot, but I hadn't actually driven in the streets or anything until I had a lesson with a driving instructor last week. So basically she drove down from my house (because where I live is really hilly and curvy and not good for someone who's never driven before) and then pulled over and we changed seats. I was so scared- probably unreasonably scared, for like the first 5 minutes driving on the actual road. But it's weird, after those first moments my fear completely went away. I'm actually kind of excited for the next lesson =D
You know what soundtrack I can't get over? The 500 Days of Summer soundtrack. I got it in the summer when it first came out (well, George burned it for me) and since then I've been obsessed. Every song is so good by itself but they still go well together as a whole. They're so different from each other but they go so well together. I just love it. Also, the Paper Heart soundtrack. I've had it on repeat all day. I love that one too.
I think for me 2009 was a music discovery year (along with other things). I came across and found a lot of music and the amount that I knew kind of exploded. Don't you just love when that happens? I love it. And it's not hard... music is like everywhere if you're looking.
Some pictures




-taken by me-

